Tuesday, July 23, 2019


I'm happy to hear that Wendy Davis is running for Congress, even if it's not Fort Worth anymore. I didn't like her being on the sidelines so long after her failed campaign for governor.

Meanwhile, the UK has chosen a new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Is he going to make Brexit even worse? I can't keep up with it anymore.

There was an article about Al Franken, stirring up all his apologists again, saying the scandal was drummed up by Republicans and we fell for the trick. That was ONE of his accusers. There were many others. I hate everybody minimizing his groping and harassment as just humor and misunderstandings. Yes, it's not rape, but it's still creepy behavior done without consent. What, do they want Franken to run again? Fuck no! Don't take him back. You wouldn't take back Louis C.K., would you? Don't you have any moral principles, or is it just partisanship for you? Make them fucking go away and be quiet. I'm sick of guys thinking they can just wait it out and re-emerge like nothing happened. Fuck them! It's bad enough we can't get rid of the rapist in the White House or the Supreme Court, but to have so-called progressive men get off scot free as well is beyond shitty. Egomaniacs and false allies who were only pretending to be on our side, only when it suited them. Fuck off! And I wish their apologists would shut up and move on to something actually helpful.

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