Tuesday, March 2, 2021


I mostly tried to ignore CPAC over the weekend because I don't want to hear any more about Trump, his family, or the cult-worshippers who seriously made a gold statue of him. But then Ted Cruz had to joke about Cancun as if it was just an oopsie and not a fire-able offense. Stupid me for optimistically hoping he'd have the decency to resign after the furor. But no, he has no shame.

Govenor Abbott has no shame either, opening up Texas and dropping mask mandates today. Don't you have something more important to do, like fucking winterizing our electrical grid? Fuck him. I hope Beto runs against him and wins. Wonkette reports that Mississippi's governor is doing the same, and that some blue state liberals are blaming us red state voters, even though we're plenty blue in our cities. The same way they dare Texas to secede from the union, ignoring how many millions of Democrats live here and can't just move. We're hoping to turn the place blue, after all.

Meanwhile in the Senate, Biden's nominee Tanden had to withdraw simply because people objected to her past "uncivil" tweets. Like she's supposed to be ashamed of having an opinion about fuckers like Ted Cruz? Everyone dunks on Ted Cruz because he fucking deserves it. What a double standard.

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