Friday, May 21, 2021


Given the news blackout among most American political websites, I was stunned when I got home from work and read about Joe Biden announcing a ceasefire in Israel. I was going to give him credit for the diplomacy, but the Guardian article says this deal was actually brokered by Egypt. They probably have more credibility than the US does at this point. Plus, Joe continued to "both sides" it: "I believe the Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live safely and securely, and enjoy equal measures of freedom, prosperity, and democracy." And he praised Netanyahu and supports continuing to fund Israel's defenses.

There will never be peace as long as Israel is evicting Palestinians and pushing Jewish settlements into disputed land. They are actively provoking anger and refusing to let Palestinians live in peace. It's fucking apartheid and continues to be, even down to issues like providing COVID vaccines. You'd think, in Israel's own self-interest, that it would make sure that Palestinians who live and work close by, would also be vaccinated to help herd immunity, but no, they'd rather selfishly withhold vaccines and gaslight the world into believing they're somehow a super successful and awesome model for vaccination. Fuck!

Anyway, I do hope the ceasefire holds, but how I wish we could make some progress beyond that. Juan Cole says that it's good this only took 11 days, so I guess he's feeling hopeful. Biden, if you're really sincere about peace and human rights, how about moving the embassy back to Tel Aviv? How about reversing more Trump policies that's in your power, even if you can't get Israel to budge? And please fucking cancel/withdraw your approval for that $735 million arms deal to Israel.

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