Monday, June 1, 2020


Some Texas water parks are now open, and there's been obnoxious commercials for them lately. How can that be safe? (Especially since gyms are supposed to keep their shower facilities closed right now.) Who's gonna wear a mask or keep social distancing in a water park? Even if they check people's temperature before allowing them in, they may be asymptomatic but passing on the virus through the water. This whole reopening thing is totally rushed and irrational. We don't have adequate testing and contract tracing for this, but Republicans are so eager to restart the economy rather than pass another stimulus bill to help people.

The economy's so damn precious, but not people's health. I keep seeing people in grocery stores not wearing masks either, apparently thinking everything's safe now. I guess it depends on which city you live in as well. Plus apparently troublemakers are taking advantage of the Floyd protests to loot and vandalize, and the police come out in riot gear rather than try to de-escalate the situation. It's a powder keg.

It's June now. We're only halfway through the year.

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