Tuesday, May 21, 2024


That's it. I'm done with brown rice. I made it again with less water, and it still boiled over in the rice cooker. Back to white rice that tastes better and is more predictable. No point in ruining my new rice cooker for an allegedly healthier brown rice.

Meanwhile, the local Asian mall had a weekend celebration for AAPI heritage month, so I went on Sunday. They had various vendor booths, and a stage for performers. I saw a really fun performance by a K-pop dance troupe. I don't normally listen to that music, but the diverse dancers were really talented and their enthusiasm was infectious. They also seemed like local kids, not like a touring professional act imported into town. It made me feel hopeful for young people today, joyfully celebrating regardless of race or gender. Don't I sound old now?

I was sad to hear about the sudden tornados in Houston. The storms killed people and knocked out power. Storms are getting weirder and stronger all the time due to climate change.

Meanwhile I've started reading a biography on Madame Restell aka Ann Lohman, a major abortionist in Victorian-era New York. I first heard about her on Wonkette. It's expensive for an ebook, but at least it's 400+ pages to justify the price.

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