Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Nothing happened

I just don't understand Israel. Biden announced that ceasefire deal weeks ago, Hamas accepted, and someone said that Israel's war cabinet accepted it too. But nothing happened. Even the UN voted on it, and it passed. But nothing happened. The deal apparently included language that the US would "guarantee" that Israel would abide the deal, but nothing happened. Wasn't the deal in phases? Phase 1, immediate cease fire and freeing hostages, then phase 2 negotiations for post-war, etc? But nobody's enacted phase 1 yet. They talk like they won't do phase 1 until after they've done phase 2 negotiations. But that's backward. It might as well not be a deal at all.

Then later Israel starting claiming, "If Hamas accepts, then maybe we'll..." But they already accepted didn't they? Are they fucking gaslighting us? Trying to make us have amnesia? And the entire news media goes along, never challenging their narrative with the facts? And Benny Gantz quit the war cabinet, so the press started suggesting that the government would fall and there'd be new elections. But nothing happened. Every time I think something's going to change, nothing happens. Fucking hopeless. Back in the 1980s it seemed like the Irish Troubles were bloody hopeless too, but then they made peace. The fact that Israel continues this insanity decades after the end of the Irish Troubles shows how fucked up they are.

Now Netanyahu is doing doublespeak about how he's commited to the ceasefire, even though he hasn't fucking implemented Phase 1. And Israel talks about going after Hezbollah now. What the fuck is going on? Fucking neverending war.

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