Well I finally got vacation time from work. Got some real sleep and tried to cook some more. I recently tried the plant-based "Just Egg" substitute because a review said it scrambled well. It does not. It wouldn't curdle, and when I pushed it around, it just left a burnt film on my non-stick pan. I was using oil and it didn't help at all; after the disaster, I had to let the pan soak in soapy water for hours, and the stuff wouldn't scrape off. Almost ruined the damn pan. I'm sticking with real eggs. However, I was more successful with pan frying lumpia (a Filipino version of egg rolls) after I thawed them in the microwave.
I've also been using a learning app to learn Spanish and Vietnamese. It works okay for a free app, and I don't get confused switching back and forth. I am Vietnamese, but have forgotten most of the language, and I don't know where all the accent marks go. But I do remember more words as I listen to the speakers in the app.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that Turkey/Syria suffered another earthquake. Some people are calling it an aftershock. I was hoping that the worst would be over and they'd find more people alive from the last quake.