Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Keep Fighting

So, that Supreme Court leak gives us a glimpse of the horrible future. I guess the ruling doesn't become official until June or so, when it officially gets released?

But already the GOP are trying to shift the narrative, trying to make the leak itself the outrage instead of the ruling. A lot of the mainstream media articles were trying to help the GOP paint this decision as "neutral" as letting abortion be "left up to the states" to decide, as if we don't remember "states' rights" arguments for slavery. But that's bullshit, anyway, because plenty of Republicans are willing to talk up their plans about retaking Congress so they can pass a nationwide abortion ban. So no, they're not even willing to let us have safe havens in blue states. They're coming for us all.

As I said in my previous post:

If Roe V. Wade gets struck down, Republicans are going to continue trying to pass worse and worse laws. Not just against abortion, but against trans rights, civil rights, education, etc. No place will be safe.

So yep, no place is going to be safe, and there's no minority rights that they won't try to overturn. So I hope blue state Democrats will stop talking about letting Texas secede, abandoning vulnerable people who can't leave. We gotta fight for all the states, or we'll have none.

Oh, and apparently there were some primary elections on Tuesday. Hope for good results.

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