Saturday, January 5, 2019

Moving On

Well the new year has begun, with the new Congress sworn in, and Pelosi back as Speaker of the House. I hope they can end the government shutdown soon, and get all their new legislative priorities accomplished, such as climate change, voting integrity, gun control, and the shitty child detention camps. So much to get done, along with all the investigations into the administration's endless corruption. Still waiting for Mueller's results too.

Meanwhile that Oscars controversy flared up again. I don't understand why Ellen is trying to get Kevin Hart reinstated. No more than I understand Elton John's misguided reaching out to Eminem years ago. Use your good karma for more important things. I don't see what's the point of even having a host at all, when they disappear very quickly from the show, and it's all just award presenters and montages and such. The whole award season is such a snooze.

Netflix still hasn't announced the release date of the final Arrested Development episodes. Why the fuck are they holding onto the back half of season 5 so long? Just get it over with for the few of us who still care about resolving the cliffhangers. Haven't we subscribers been loyal enough to get our niche viewing habits catered to? Just dump it already and let any controversy be buried among all the other shows/movies you got coming out. Mitch, if you're still doing last-minute tinkering to add Trump jokes or whatever, stop it! For fuck's sake, you owe us an ending after all these years.

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