Monday, January 28, 2019


We're finally getting some forward movement on Supergirl's Red Daughter plot and Nia Nal becoming a hero. Thankfully the Children of Liberty had a small part of the plot, but it looks like we're back to the shitty Agent Liberty next episode. I'm so sick of him. Meanwhile, Black Lightning ended the runaway plot by having Jennifer return home and Khalil turn himself into police. Then Tobias's assassin captures him and Tobias rips out the cybernetic spine out of him. So brutal, but still, it makes we wonder why Tobias was always threatening to kill Khalil and hired Cutter if he wanted him still alive. I'm still sick of Tobias, but at least his new lackey Todd broke into the suitcase.

The Good Place's season finale finally brought back Simone, and I was so excited, but then Chidi wanted to do another mind-wipe. I hope next season won't be so much about love triangles. I want Jason/Janet and a real shot at Eleanor/Tahani even if it's just on the rebound, to cope with her grief without Chidi. I am glad that Judge Gen finally got to scold everybody and try to impose punishment on the outlaws. They were having consequence-free adventures for too long.

At the movies, I watched The Kid Who Would be King, an update on King Arthur starring teens and Patrick Stewart as Merlin some of the time. It was slow in some parts and incredibly earnest about its message of equality, honesty, and justice. Making a new Camelot by turning enemies into allies. Merlin also said that legends about chosen ones having special parents are not actually accurate, that Excalibur chose the person whose heart was worthy, not because of his royal bloodline. The younger actor who also played Merlin was pretty good, and his weird magical gestures seemed to make adults obey him instantly. There was some mumbo jumbo too about why all the adults disappeared at night each time Morgana's evil knights attacked. I liked how Stonehenge became a portal connected to other stone circles in Britain. The movie was often cute and funny.

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