Saturday, February 2, 2019

New Starts

Well it's February now, almost Lunar New Year, or Tết, as it's known in Vietnam. It's the Year of the Pig, though I don't know much about the Chinese Zodiac. I'll be visiting family soon, though I can't get off work next week, and I'll try to see that WWI documentary They Shall Not Grow Old, now that it's getting a regular movie release instead of those pop-up Fathom Events.

I'm also going to spend much of my weekend moving files and things to a new laptop, because my old one is slowly falling apart, acquiring more slowdowns and malfunctions all the time. It is many years out of date, though I upgraded memory and operating systems to keep it going for years. It's not worth the trouble anymore.

Apparently the Superbowl is this weekend, though I never watch even for the commercials. This week has been the TCA press tour, and some TV shows got renewed recently. Oh, also Netflix announced that Arrested Development would finally release more episodes on March 15th. Finally. It's the Ides of March too, so I certainly will beware that the ending could be a total dud. I just hope Mitch learned his lesson and will not put in yet another cliffhanger or waste more time on stupid Rebel Alley. Just solve the Lucille Austero mystery and give us a good Blunder ending, even if you have to overdo the narration to make it happy and good. I don't care about the political satire border wall anymore and FUCK NO, I don't want Tracey to secretly be alive, out of left field. End the show respectfully and gracefully, Mitch, like you did season 3. (Or even "Beef Consommé" in season 1, when you didn't know if the show would last past 13 episodes.) Wrap it up and let it fucking go.

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