Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Don't Panic

Coronavirus has been dominating the news lately, and they even canceled the St. Patrick's Day parade. Some states are even shutting down schools, bars, restaurants, etc. All the movie theaters have shut down and sports seasons were delayed rather than play without audiences. I mean, I know the pandemic is serious and people should do "social distancing" but I think some of this should be voluntary, not mandatory. Think of all the workers that can't work from home, that can't get childcare and/or food if schools are shut down. Not everyone can order stuff online in good times, much less without money since they don't have paid leave.

As for testing, it's so pathetic in the US, that Chinese billionaire Jack Ma had to donate tests and masks to the US. Trump is such a failure, that I was surprised he put Mike Pence in charge instead of Jared Kushner. Even Israel had to postpone Netanyahu's bribery trial and they are still struggling to form a government.

Meanwhile, the Census mailed me a packet, so I'll have to fill that out when I get a chance to go through it. I'm glad that the citizenship question was blocked. I am naturalized, but we still need an accurate count of undocumented people as well to draw voting districts, provide adequate government services, etc.

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