Thursday, March 5, 2020

If Not Now, When?

How is it that for 2 or so years, we've had too many people running for President, even billionaires jumping in late and buying their way into debates, yet now we've suddenly dropped down to too few? Super Tuesday was big, yeah, but there are still many many states that didn't vote yet, and they'll only have two candidates to choose from now. (Nobody considers Tulsi seriously.)

Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the race after much pressure. I'm sad and disappointed, but trying to look on the bright side. At least she battered Bloomberg enough that he dropped out too. At least she's still in the Senate and will keep doing good work there, unless the next President appoints her to something in his Cabinet. Plus, Warren crafted so many great plans, which can be reused as the party platform and drafts for legislation in Congress. In some ways it's a repeat of my disappointment about Kamala Harris dropping out, while I try to hope she'll get picked for VP or Attorney General. One can always hope.

I mean, Biden's okay I guess. He has faults and baggage like all the other candidates had, but I do think he's sincere and will appoint good people to all the critical posts and departments that Trump has fucked up with his criminal cronies. Just because Biden keeps talking about getting along with Republicans, it doesn't mean that Nancy Pelosi has to cave in the House; she can still be a badass getting stuff passed, hopefully with a new Senate that won't block legislation. Presidents can propose agendas all they like; it's still the Congress who has to make the proposals into concrete laws, so one can always push things that are more radical than what the President himself would do. We'll see.

Anyway, in all the Super Tuesday drama, I forgot about Israel's elections. Somehow Netanyahu's party got more votes, but the opposing parties might join together to form a government and get him out. I don't understand parliamentary government with multiple parties. I'll hope they can succeed, but no matter what, Netanyahu is scheduled for trial on fraud and bribery charges soon. Why is it so hard to defeat this guy? Is it like how in Texas we could never get rid of Rick Perry until he retired to run for President?

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