Saturday, May 30, 2020

Black Lives Matter

The nationwide protests and marches about George Floyd have come to DFW. It's upsetting that police brutality continues so frequently and regularly that one outrage is followed quickly by another, forcing people to choose between pandemic safety and protesting the horrific murder in broad daylight. (Texas is technically reopened, though we should still be social distancing. I do understand that in the oppressive Texas heat, wearing masks would make it uncomfortable and even muffle the chants of "I can't breathe.") It's a trade off, what you're willing to risk.

I just don't understand the police's obstinancy; if there was enough evidence to fire all four officers on Monday, then why not arrest and charge them immediately on that day? Why delay and only arrest one man after all the nights of protest?

I did follow the news, and was glad that Joe Biden made a statement about the "open wound" of the country. He made sure to name other victims, not just Floyd, and trace the "original sin" back 400 years. I hope that his sincerity will help make up for his recent gaffe speaking to a black audience. He means well, and certainly will follow through on his promise to seek justice.

Meanwhile, the coward in the White House tried to deflect entirely from Minneapolis by withdrawing from the World Health Organization and blaming China again for the coronavirus. Fuck him and his stupid war with Twitter too. They should have deleted him long ago, but they give him special treatment because he's "newsworthy" and they don't even delete the tweets inciting violence. I hear there was a military drone flying overhead of the protests for a while too. It's so fucked up.

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