Friday, May 22, 2020

Staycation TV

So I was shocked to hear that Ruby Rose was leaving Batwoman, and they were going to recast her. People are speculating about why she's leaving, such as her stunt injury or the long working hours, etc. I just hope she'll go on to other good things, and that they get a good actress to replace her. The last few episodes of the show have been kind of bleak, with Alice killing Mouse, and Jake Kane being so mad. I wish he would get written out of the show! I liked the stepmother character more.

Meanwhile, Supergirl also ended early, and I don't understand why Brainy had to kill himself. Why didn't he just load the virus like the original plan? Would that have been faster, so he didn't need to stay in the lethal room so long? And why did that one goddess not get sucked into the shrink bottle? It's getting too convoluted. I'm glad that Kara and Lena finally made up and are on the same team again. Hopefully, the rift is gone for good, so next season can be less frustrating.

Speaking of frustrating TV, I stumbled onto a two-hour Youtube rant of why BBC's Sherlock show is bad, with long digressions about how Stephen Moffat ruined other shows like Doctor Who and Jekyll with the same writing/plotting flaws. I couldn't always follow what he said, having not seen the other shows, but I did love how he talked about the original books as well as episodic adaptations like Elementary. Most of the commentators agree that they hated season 4 and now looking back, they realize they were strung along with promises of a resolution, only to get mocked. Complicated plot twists can work, but the mystery has to make sense in the end to satisfy the viewers. It's why people loved Knives Out and even rewatched it so many times.

From the very beginning of Sherlock, when the pilot episode was altered to introduce Moriarty, the show kept implying that everything was connected somehow, that it was building to something. But really, most of the story was nonsense, with increasingly ridiculous mysteries and increasing contempt for fan theories. I mean, yeah, Moffat's horrible as a showrunner, regularly trolling fans. He thinks he's crafting clever, entertaining puzzle boxes, but no, he's just writing a genius as a wizard who magically solves things by running about, shouting, having secrets, being an asshole, etc. And Moriarty's a psychopath, so there's no logic to anything he does, even destroying his own criminal empire and killing himself because of his obsession with Holmes. I appreciated that Harris also criticized the queerbaiting and the awful treatment of Irene Adler. Harris understands that book Irene was an innocent woman who was being harassed by the King. Harris understands that Holmes was supposed to learn a lesson in the story and realize he was wrong. Harris understands how freaking misogynistic it is to make Irene not only a sexpot villain, but a puppet of the smarter villain Moriarty, and have to be rescued by Holmes. If only Moffat understood!

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