Sunday, July 19, 2020

Rest in Peace

So sad to hear about the passing of John Lewis this weekend. He was a great man and a civil rights hero. Why not a statue of him instead of all these Confederates? A pity that the Supreme Court recently ruled against the voting rights of ex-felons in Florida. Just a reminder that John Roberts is a fucking conservative, despite him voting for the good side on some issues.

Meanwhile Trump continues to be an imperial fascist, sending federal troops to invade Portland and trying to cut off all funding for testing and contract tracing. He really thinks he can make the pandemic disappear by not letting the public get tested. (While he gets tests on demand for himself and his staff.)

Congress is trying to hash out another pandemic relief bill. I don't know how much we can get through the Senate, let alone Trump's veto, but people need help.

At least the Texas primary runoff elections are done now. Fundraising for the general election is on, though we still don't know if we're going to be allowed to mail-in vote for November. The Post Office as ever remains in danger.

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