Well they stole yet another seat on the Supreme Court, the brazen hypocrites. There's talk about expanding the court so we can fill more seats, but I'm not sure if Biden, let alone more conservative Dems in Congress, will follow through. Can't get ahead of ourselves, anyway. We have to win this election first, then right this ship and get control of this pandemic.
Early voting is looking good, so much so that Bloomberg is buying ads in Texas to help out. The lawsuits and court rulings come so fast that I can't keep track. It's important for Texas Dems to win this year so we can have a say in the redistricting after the Census results.
Meanwhile, Barnes & Noble had some kind of hack recently, so that I couldn't connect and buy ebooks from the store for days. I think it's fixed now, and they're offering a coupon to make it up to members. That's nice, though I worry that eventually they're gonna shut down, and I have all my ebooks with them.