Monday, October 19, 2020

Vote for Change

I voted on Saturday. There was actually a line, though it moved fairly quickly. The early vote numbers are amazing this year in Texas. If only the courts had given us more wins against voter suppression, but I guess they've found workarounds such as the drive-through voting.

Even Cornyn decided to pretend that he disagreed with Trump, instead of voting for all his policies. Fucking bastard. Too little too late. What a coward. His TV ads also make cynical use of a sexual assault survivor, with Cornyn taking credit for a bipartisan bill that passed. Fuck him.

I finished watching Attenborough's new Netflix film. It includes footage of him over the years, contrasted with statistics about how the planet changed. The outlook is grim, but Attenborough ends on a hopeful note with tons of suggestions about how to combat climate change and reverse the damage. I do hope Biden can get us back on track with the rest of the world.

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