Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Over and Over

With all the news on the Atlanta spa shootings or the more recent Colorado supermarket shooting, I didn't realize that the Israel election was on Tuesday, until I read about recent protests against Netanyahu. For now, the news is showing the results as deadlocked or inconclusive. This is the fourth election in two years, and we won't know if a coalition government can be formed for days or weeks. It certainly doesn't look stable at all, and they might be forced into a fifth election. As much as I hate the two-party system in America, the parliamentary system in Israel makes elections even worse.

Just the possibility that Netanyahu could remain in power and scrape together another government is sickening to me. How does he fucking survive over and over, even with how many people hate him? He's still trying to dodge a trial on corruption charges, and people don't like how he handled the pandemic. And once again, FUCK news media who buy into the lie that Israel is super successful at vaccination. They are a colossal failure because they are only counting the Jewish population, not the Palestinians living under occupation by Israel! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Meanwhile in America, our Congress tries to hold hearings about gun violence but we have the usual rightwing deflections and arguments against gun control. The same useless thoughts and prayers over and over. When will we ever be able to reform our messed up gun laws? Or tackle racism and misogyny.

The only thing that gives me hope lately was watching this Netflix miniseries Amend: The Fight for America. Hosted by Will Smith, it interviews a lot of historians and activists discussing the 14th amendment not just in the context of slavery and Black Civil Rights, but also its use in feminism, gay rights, and immigration. Progress isn't always linear, and we get setbacks, but we can continue to fight and win more legal victories.

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