Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fall Premieres

I'm so excited to see that the Miss Fisher kickstarter exceeded its funding goal, meaning that we'll finally get a movie. I can't wait to see the adventures continue. All other detective shows are boring procedurals nowadays. Nothing fun and witty and character-based like this.

Anyway, some new TV shows have started premiering. I saw The Orville and mostly enjoyed it, though I missed most of episode 2 and 3 due to being on vacation. It's not a Galaxy Quest spoof, but it's a good homage to Star Trek: TNG, and that's fine with me. The viciousness of the bad reviews was totally unwarranted and over the top.

I saw most of the Star Trek: Discovery debut, but not all due to the damn football overrun. The lead character is interesting, but I didn't warm up to the show that much. It really felt like a lot of CGI effects, but little story information and development. (I've read the spoilers about the 2nd episode on the streaming service, and the character death deeply disappoints me. So I don't feel compelled to sign up and watch the rest of the season.) If other people enjoy it and think it's worth the expense, fine. Whatever.

I really wish Brooklyn Nine-Nine would end the prison storyline; I've been hating these stupid cliffhangers every season, and the time wasted on getting the characters back to normal. If they pull that crap again at the end of this season, I might lose interest in next season, if there is any.

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