Friday, December 8, 2017


On Brooklyn Nine Nine, Rosa came out as bisexual in a cool, understated way. Rosa has long been secretive and private about her life, so this revelation combined with the Thanksgiving reveal that she had become closer to her family after getting out of prison, is wonderful character development. The fact that the actress is bi is a bonus. I hope the rest of the gang will find out about Rosa soon.

Her costar Terry Crews meanwhile continues to be awesome in real life. After filing a police report about his sexual assault, and seeing his abuser only briefly suspended, Terry has now filed a lawsuit against him. Hopefully, the abuser will suffer some real punishment and consequences this time. No one should get away with that kind of stuff.

This might be the show's final season due to low ratings, but it's been a great ride, and I will miss the characters and their humor when they go.

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