Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tivo spring cleaning

In other news, I finally found a program that will let me transfer my Tivo recordings to my computer, so I can start clearing them out. The old Tivo started acting up, showing blank screens on recordings; at first I thought it meant that my antenna connection was messed up, then I realized it affected recordings that i knew were not blank, having watched them before. I had to restart the Tivo to make it work right again. So I'm in the process of transferring some recordings, but it's slow going when the wireless network is temperamental.

Lately, Antenna TV has been airing The Hogan Family (including the seasons with Valerie Harper), which is great, since I haven't seen it available on DVD at all. It's great to see young Jason Bateman growing up, and to hear his voice before it changed. His character David isn't as much of a bad seed as Derek from Silver Spoons, though he's still a charming rogue. Something I've noticed is that the mother doesn't seem to punish her kids for their misdeeds. The "lesson" of the shows usually come down to the boys apologizing or realizing on their own that they need to do the right thing. That's ok in some instances, but in others, you'd think Valerie would at least want to discourage future rule-breaking by at least announcing "you're grounded for a month" or "no driving the car." I mean, one episode had David the 17-year-old dating an adult 24-year-old woman. I mean, are they trying to say it's okay when the woman's older, instead of the guy? Sheesh. Don't be too tolerant, Valerie. You're his mother, not his friend.

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