Friday, October 12, 2018

Not Good

The Good Place is kind of frustrating. I do like the new character Simone, and how the show avoided a love triangle by having Eleanor support them. She's fun and gives good advice. But I wish the writers would stop trying to do time jumps and resets. I hated the episode last season that was just Michael rebooting the neighorhood 800 times. We're just supposed to believe that all the demons were fine with that and not one of them tattled to Michael's boss, until fake Eleanor finally started to blackmail him after the 800th time?

I don't want another reset. I just want Eleanor/Tahani, and Jason/Janet, now that they've found someone for Chidi. But instead, they flirt with Tahani/Jason again before bringing up Larry Hemsworth for an excuse to get Tahani to leave. And we're not supposed to wonder how Michael and Janet, with no powers whatsoever, are able to live on Earth for over a year and not get discovered, despite all the manipulations and money being spent? The Judge just yells at them from afar and doesn't try to send someone to punish Michael and Janet? That key is really the only key they have? How did the Bad Place demon sneak through without authorization from the Judge? I don't like that "consequences" are so spotty on a show that's supposedly about ethics and philosophy.

Oh well. Murphy Brown pushed back the Jim Dial episode until next week due to the #MeToo episode this week. The stupid app plot took away from the main message, and made it seem like the rules about sexual harassment are ambiguous or confusing. Also didn't like the ICE jokes at the bar.

Black Lightning came back this week and finally did something with the Vice Principal character, who killed Syonide. Also, the police detective finally figured out Black Lightning's identity and confronted him on it. Not sure if he's going to tell anyone else.

Supergirl comes back soon. Hope it will be better now that Reign is gone.

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