Thursday, December 13, 2018

Nobody's Safe

Now he wants to deport Vietnamese refugees who came here before 1995. Not just the ones after the cutoff in the 2008 deal. Fuck. Like I said before, being here for 40 years doesn't count for them. Being naturalized citizens doesn't count for them. We're still unwelcome foreigners to them. They're trying to kick out any non-white immigrants and make us all afraid to be next. Fucking bastards! The only hope is that Vietnam doesn't want these deportees, and that maybe a court will rule against the administration again.

At the same time, Trump was demanding his border wall again, threatening a government shutdown. Chuck and Nancy got him good during that press meeting, though. Nancy sure proved that she still has the chops to be Speaker of the House. This is why I'm so sick of stupid infighting among Democratic factions. Everything I've heard about Pelosi's priorities for the new Congress sound good to me. It's not either her or the younger generation. They can work together, to stop this madness and investigate the shit out of him. Don't waste the blue wave.

There's still talk of Beto running in 2020, and Julian Castro is considering a run too. But why can't they run for Governor or Cornyn's Senate seat? Why can't they stay and help Texas? We've been hearing about both Castro brothers for a long time being groomed for higher office. Maybe Wendy Davis will try again? I don't know. It just seems like everybody keeps talking about the Presidential election while ignoring other offices we need to win.

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