Sunday, December 16, 2018

Shows and Cinema

The CW crossover turned out to be a dud, a mere pre-advertisement for next year's "Crisis on Infinite Earths" which was a big to-do in the comics. So plenty of stuff was left unresolved, including whatever promise/sacrifice Green Arrow might have made with the Monitor for the lives of Barry and Kara. Still don't know what that Hammer in the Fortress of Solitude was. At least the Batwoman part was good, with knowing chats with Supergirl, and some sisterly bonding with the alternate Alex Danvers. Then after returning to their home dimension, Superman decided to move to Argo City with Lois, leaving Earth to his cousin to protect. Lois's pregnancy neatly explains Superman's absence for a while, and we even saw a proposal.

Meanwhile, Black Lightning is picking up the pace, with Jenn using her powers more and trying to run away with Khalil. I hope the family will reconcile, and Jenn will start wearing her costume. Tobias seems to be recruiting new henchmen with that assassin and the tech genius he bought. He was getting so tiresome bullying Khalil, but it does seem like he conveniently forgot about the reverend he wanted to kill.

The Timeless movie is coming soon! I can't wait to see Rufus live again. I'm finally gonna see the Mary Queen of Scots movie now that it's come to my area. The Mary Poppins sequel is coming soon, so I'll see that too. Yes it may be openly derivative and relying on cloying nostalgia about childhood, but at least it's about fictional characters and not real people, like that recent Christopher Robin movie exploiting the same emotions.

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