Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Meanwhile, some Democrats this weekend called for closing the Tornillo detention facility; Beto O'Rourke was one of them. I'm glad that, despite people constantly talking him up for 2020, he still knows he has a job now. He's not neglecting his responsibilities to Texas, or humanity. Of course we still have the problem of what to do with all those children being held in such awful conditions. Hopefully the House Democrats might be able to do something next year, along with all the other issues they have to tackle.

Also in Texas, a woman was fired for refusing to sign the new anti-BDS pledge in her contract. She's suing the school district now, and I hope she wins for this violation of her freedom of speech. Republicans and Israel hardliners like to claim that any criticism of Israel's government is a anti-semitic, but it's not. There are plenty of Jewish people who don't support Israel's treatment of Palestinians, and boycotting Israel is the only thing we individuals can do as long as US policy remains to support Israel and fund them and coddle them about their war crimes. It's political protest, to try to economically punish Israel, since we can't get Congress to do anything. Fuck this awful anti-BDS law!

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