Thursday, March 7, 2019

Upcoming Movies

The third Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movie got pushed back to 2021. I'm skeptical once again that it will ever get made. It feels like it's been too long anyway. Maleficent 2, however, is getting released earlier. I hope it will be good.

Meanwhile, Acorn bought the new Miss Fisher movie for its streaming platform. I hope that the theater release reaches me and that Acorn will sell a DVD to people who can't get their streaming service. A lot of fans funded the Kickstarter and will be hungry for it.

Speaking of 1920s lady detectives, I kind of wish somebody would make the Daisy Dalyrmple books into a TV show or movies, because the characters are so charming and I miss having light mystery shows without gore, serial killers, etc. Guess I'll have to settle for the latest Nancy Drew movie, since the repeated attempts at TV shows keep failing.

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