Sunday, March 17, 2019

So many retcons

I've only seen 3 of the new Arrested Development episodes. I feel too apathetic to binge all of Season 5B at once because I found 2 out of the 3 episodes so tedious to get through. I hate Tobias's storyline. I hate the goddamn border wall which has suddenly been twisted around again now that Sally's won the election and is now for the wall. An election, I might add, which somehow took place the same day as the July 2nd parade even though all the streets would be blocked for the parade. I mean, a July election is bad enough, but what the fuck, is this some kind of satirical implied joke that the GOP election strategy is to minimize voters so they can win? And it somehow backfired with the nominal Democrat Sally Sitwell winning?

Plus the writers fucking retcon so many things for no reason at all. Season 5 shows the model home alone, surrounded by grass, when in season 4 there was an entire neighborhood of Sudden Valley homes. Then, even though the July 2nd parade ended with Buster's escape and Stan Sitwell being run over, Michael and the rest of the Bluths somehow went to the model home ignorant of those events until they saw them on TV. Moreover, they had set up a party already, expecting Buster to be released from jail, even though Michael didn't find out about Buster being released until Lotti Dottie, the DA told him DURING the parade. I thought that Lottie Dottie would go after Buster to punish him for escaping with Oscar, but the show brushes it aside as nothing but a $75 paperwork fine. They don't give a crap about him escaping early and injuring Stan Sitwell. So that makes Buster's plot with Oscar pointless. I mean, that's what makes the show so frustrating lately, because things don't matter, then they do, then they don't with the next rewrite. After all that crap about the photo of the staircar, and Lottie Dottie threatening to go after Buster if they found evidence...

Michael was working at Search in season 4 and early season 5, but now the show just wants him back running the Bluth Company, so George tells him they absorbed Sudden Valley, and Michael acts like he doesn't have to go back to work at Search at all. Then back at the Bluth Company (which he signed away all his rights to in season 4) Michael tries to get Fakeblock into the same building because he creepily wants to absorb GM into his life for 24/7 oversharing. I hate it and I hate that their conversations are so repetitive, boring, and include Rebel Alley because Mitch refuses to kill this damn plotline. Fuck you, Mitch!


I'm already spoiled on the rest of the season anyway, because I read online reviews and also Reddit beforehand. I needed confirmation of whether Tony Wonder survived before I could face such disappointment. So I already know what happened, though it sounds like there was a lot of confusion among viewers on exactly what was revealed in the long finale episode.

So I already know that Lindsay won't return until the last episode, and that the show has rejiggered her past yet again rather than rewrite Tracey's history. And I know that I was right, that they were hinting that Buster killed somebody in 1982 and that's why Lucille kept ominously referring to secrets and the 1982 parade she had to mollify Buster with.

I will probably watch the rest of the episodes so I can see for myself what happened, but I'm in no hurry about it given how frustrating this season is. I'd rather spend my time on pleasanter stuff like watching the charming Nancy Drew movie before it disappears, overshadowed by bigger films. Captain Marvel was good too, and a better example of retconning someone into fictional history.

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