Saturday, May 4, 2019

Cuatro done

I spent most of yesterday and today putting together a corner bookshelf only to find that one of the foot pieces totally doesn't fit. Then trying to get my Tivo wireless adapter working, and failing. Not my day.

Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow, but a local restaurant I know already had decorations up on Friday afternoon, apparently looking forward to a whole weekend of celebration. May the 4th also brought out all the Star Wars fans as well as AD fans celebrating Cinco de Cuatro.

I've got into Barbies lately and recently learned how to blowdry the doll's head so the vinyl gets soft, then I can pull out the ugly earrings and replace them with something else. I also was able to fix my Uhura doll's hair by cutting out the weird styrofoam bump they put under her overly gelled hair. But still I'm annoyed that Barbie advertises dolls as "fully articulated" when they don't have fucking ankles, which would make the whole issue of high heels vs. flats so much simpler. Oh well.

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