Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Happy Pride

The Supreme Court ruling on LGBTQ discrimination was an unexpected bit of good news! Conservatives were raging and venting about the betrayal, and that only makes the victory sweeter.

Meanwhile the BLM protests continue, and more statues are coming down. Juneteenth is this Friday, and some companies are saying they'll make it a paid holiday. Trump also moved his Tulsa rally to Saturday instead. Couldn't handle the criticism, I guess. They don't want him there either, and it's sure to cause a spike in new infections.

I've been reading more mysteries, and then recently saw a recommendation for The Westing Game, which I read as a kid, but I've forgotten most of the plot. I'll have to reread it and see if I can figure it out more easily or not. Wonder if Raskin's other mystery/puzzle books are as good too.

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