Friday, June 5, 2020

Stay Safe

Texas Democrats have been holding a virtual convention this week. I haven't been able to watch because I'm back at work now. Even when I am home at night, I'm too fatigued from all the disturbing news lately about racism, coronavirus, and the militaristic response from the police to watch the Convention too. Of course I'll vote in November, and I've got to donate some funds for our candidates in runoffs. I think we should be able to vote by mail, but I think the Texas courts are going to continue ruling against us. Not like the Republicans are gonna help us out in time for the election.

George Floyd is going to have 3 different services in three different cities. Yesterday's memorial was Minneapolis, then he'll go to his place of birth in North Carolina Saturday, then he'll come to Houston where he lived most of his life. It's almost like a nationwide funeral, a high-ranking official lying in state. It's a tragedy that he was murdered, but his death has become a symbol of so much more than just himself, and there's hope that real change and police reform might come of these protests.

I do really hope that this movement succeeds, and that it's not just co-opted by the brands/franchises pretending that they really care. We hoped that we could get gun reform before due the school shootings, but we're still waiting on that until the election.

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