Thursday, November 5, 2020

Election counts

Well I finally got a good long sleep last night. I don't know when the counts will be done, but the AP election map says Biden has 264 electoral votes. Other maps from other places show a different number, so I'm not sure if they're being extra cautious or not. Regardless, they should finish counting. The polls were so wrong, because we didn't win the Senate, and lost some House seats. Maybe the Georgia runoff will help. But it will be so much better just to get a sane, competent adminstration working on the pandemic and all the other crises. 

Locally, Texas disappointed by not going blue again despite all the early votes and lawsuits. I wish we were like Nebraska, where we split the electoral votes so that you could see it's both blue and red, depending on where you live in the state. I was glad that Collin Allred and Marc Veasey won reelection, so we do still have some Dems. Wendy Davis didn't win her race though. When I went to bed on election night Candace Valenzuela had a big lead in votes, but now it seems her opponent got back on top and they're still counting. I guess all those TV ads calling Democrats extreme liberals worked on Texas voters. So sad. We'll have to try again next election and hope that all the new voters this year will keep voting, not go back to apathy.

Oh, another thing I learned: Vietnamese immigrants like my father tend to be staunchly Republican because they are anti-Communist due to the war they left behind. Fox News wingnuts have called Dems Communist and Socialist for a long time, so that's what influences my Dad I guess. I always wondered why he'd side with a party that is so white and racist. But the younger Asian Americans are more likely to be Democrats like me. I guess it's sort of like how Cuban immigrants remain anti-Communist because of Castro, so they don't vote like the rest of Hispanic/Latino voters.

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