Monday, November 9, 2020

Purple States

Hooray for the Biden/Harris win! The networks were so slow to call it, and Trump is still threatening lawsuits. But a win is a win, and the celebrations were great. What a relief! The radio stations and stores started playing Christmas music too, and Trump's defeat definitely puts me in a more cheerful holiday mood.

I found this map of purple states that looks at historical trends. Nice to see Texas as very purple instead of red. I so wish we could get rid of the electoral college! Texas didn't get blue this time, probably because of the Republican gerrymandering, but also because of attack ads that called every democrat "radical" and "extreme." Regardless of the candidate's platform, every ad accused them of being anarchist liberals trying to abolish police. Heck, the governor threatened to freeze property taxes in order to punish liberal cities for trying to defund/reform police. They effectively scared voters off from even looking at moderate Democrats. The loss of straight ticket voting might have taken votes from downballot races too.

It's sad, but left wing candidates who would do well in California or New York don't do well here in Texas. We still have to figure out how to shift this battleground to blue. With the new Census I think the Republicans will gerrymander us even more. But Georgia managed to go blue and so did Arizona, so there's hope at least, and the Senate is still in play with the runoff elections.

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