Sunday, February 14, 2021


It's so cold and icy in the Metroplex now that I didn't want to risk driving into work today. So I called in and stayed home. The TV newscasters said that there might be rolling blackouts or brownouts today, so try not to use too much electricity, such as a washing machine, during peak hours. So I replaced the ball rod assembly under my bathroom sink drain, and was glad that I made that trip to the hardware store before all the roads froze over. Then I started to do a Scooby Doo board game (more of a card/puzzle/ escape game) to pass the time without electricity. But it was just too cold in my living room, and I retreated to bed for some Netflix instead. It's Valentine's Day, so I watched a romcom.

Also this past Friday was the beginning of Lunar New Year, and I could not spend it with my family, because of work, the pandemic, and the chilly weather. I hope the bad weather doesn't continue longer than this week. I did read some more of my Kate Warne book; I just got to the good part where she's hired Hattie Lawton for the Pinkertons, and Abraham Lincoln's just been elected President. Soon I'll probably get to see Hattie passing for white and going undercover in the South to uncover Confederate secrets!

I did not watch any of the impeachment trial last week; it was a foregone conclusion that the Republicans would ignore the evidence. Still, even though the final vote wasn't enough to convict, we got a clear majority with 57 votes. So that's definitely progress. I know some people wanted witnesses, but I'm sure that witnesses wouldn't change what the Republicans would have done. It would just extend the trial into more arguing. I don't like the Senators going to recess right now, but at least when they get back, they can go straight into passing Biden's agenda. There's still so much to get done. Anyway, now the states can start to prosecute Trump for his numerous crimes, and we don't have to hear his name much at all. I want him to fade into obscurity, and I don't want to hear about anything he does until he goes to prison. Fuck him and also the inciters like Ted Cruz, who have never once apologized.

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