Friday, April 23, 2021

Early Voting

Early voting began this week in Texas, and I forgot the first day, so I had to do more research on the League of Women Voters website before going out on Tuesday to vote. What a Tuesday, with Derek Chauvin being found guilty on all 3 counts! I was surprised and relieved, though we'll have to see how the sentencing goes later. Many reactions online emphasized that this was merely basic accountability, that we still had a long way to go for true justice in America. I see the point of the warnings, but still, celebrating small victories can keep up morale for the long fight ahead.

Anyway, the Senate finally confirmed Vanita Gupta to the DOJ position despite John Cornyn's opposition. She's great on civil rights, and she's one of the experts featured on Netflix's Amend show, where she discusses a lot of legal history around citizenship. Congress has been busy with hearings this week, and the Senate also passed the hate crimes bill on Thursday. Most of the Republicans realized how bad the optics would be to vote no on protecting Asian Americans. If only we could get them to pass the voting rights bill and infrastructure that easily.

It was a pretty good Earth Day yesterday, though I spent much of it feeling ill. Hope this weekend is better. If you are in Texas or in another state having elections, go vote while they still let you!

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