Saturday, May 20, 2023

Rainy May

We've had a lot of rain this month, almost every day, and the streets were flooded last night, so I had to pull over at a parking lot to wait for the rain to stop. It was near a movie theater but I couldn't find anything I wanted to see, so I went to a restaurant instead for dinner, then finally went home.

Meanwhile, I found a new listing for palm oil free shampoos. The last time I checked online I could only find places located in Australia and New Zealand, so shipping to the US was too expensive. Anytime I saw solid bars in stores like Whole Foods, I thought they were probably made with palm oil. But it looks like now there are businesses here in the US I can buy from. I just have to decide if I want to go to solid bars or order these recyclable glass bottles of liquid, I guess. This Sustainable Jungle blog seems to argue that if we boycott all palm oil, that industries will just plant worse crops for the environment. They also list places that use the so-called "responsible" palm oil. Whatever, at least it explains each brand in detail so I can make an informed decision.

I've continued learning on Duolingo, but I'm starting to get confused between Spanish and Vietnamese. Tambien (also) looks just enough like Tạm biệt (goodbye) that my mind has to pause on them and remember which language I am in. As ever, I cannot remember any of the Vietnamese accent marks, which is annoying when "ban" can mean "table", "you", "friend", or even "sell"; you have to rely on context. Plus it's really unhelpful that the Vietnamese lessons have no grammar explanations to describe why we need various category words and when to use them. It feels like trial and error.

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