Saturday, June 17, 2023


The last few days, something's been wrong with my air conditioner. It sounds like the inside fan is going hard all day, but it doesn't get any cooler. The temperature is about 94, even though I set the thermostat to 82 or so. That means that it is literally cooler outside (in Texas heat) than it is inside my house. No use wasting all the energy to no effect, so I turned off the thermostat for now. Better to use that electricity for my ceiling fan and some box fans to cool the rooms I'm in. Still it's so hard to sleep in the heat.

I've been sweating constantly and only in the mood to eat ice cream or yogurt to cool me. The condenser/whatever unit outside the house is clearly not working, because the outdoor fan is not turning and it made no motor sound at all. Tomorrow I'll try cleaning it thoroughly, but if that still doesn't fix it, then I'll have to call in professional help. I hope I can afford it, otherwise I'll have to use my credit card.

Well at least the Supreme Court upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act. That law was created to belatedly make up for the abusive Indian Boarding Schools and other policies to steal Native kids away from their tribes. Australia had a similar policy resulting in Lost Generations given to white parents to raise. Stop trying to eradicate their culture, or undermine tribal sovereignty!

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