Sunday, November 26, 2023

After Turkey Day

Well Thanksgiving is over as well as the dumb Black Friday manufactured holiday. I got to see my family and watched some videos from their recent trips. Now to get ready for Christmas I guess.

I'm thankful that the ceasefire deal was finally made in Israel, and that hostages are being released. I hope the peace can hold longer.

I also went to a new Vietnamese movie called Đất Rừng Phương Nam. It's called Song of the South in English, but has nothing to do with the old racist Disney movie. This movie is apparently based on a famous 1957 Vietnamese book that's been adapted before, but I didn't know about it until reading reviews. It takes place in the 1930s when French colonizers were still in control, and Vietnamese rebels were struggling for freedom. The story focuses on a young boy An who is searching for his father, who turns out to be a rebel leader. An's mother gets killed in a riot, but she makes a stranger promise to take care of An. So An and the thief Ut have many adventures and get separated, but An always finds someone else to help him in his quest. I liked the drama, but there were many coincidences, and one character turned out to be alive, when I thought he was dead.

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