Thursday, February 15, 2024

Gun Nuts

I've had spotty internet in the mornings, making it difficult to get online and post before work. I think I've finally solved it by moving my modem onto a high bookshelf. Seems ok so far.

Meanwhile apparently there was a shooting at the post-Superbowl parade for the winners. Of course, there are constant deadly shootings all over America, but I've become numb to the sheer number while Congress does very little gun reform. I've also long known that Texas is super gun-crazy, but recently I've been seeing TV ads for "LawShield" or something like that. This guy claims he was attacked in his home one night, and he had to shoot to defend his family (while being vague about all details), then says he called this Shield service thingy to protect him from any legal consequences. They're trying to sell a law defense as if it were home warranty or the LifeLock identity protection membership. Is shooting people that common that you would routinely need this Shield? And stupid Castle doctrine and "stand your ground" laws aren't enough protection for you? I think this must be aimed at gun nuts who are paranoid, imagining lawsuits over genuine self defense. As if they're trying to get police's qualified immunity for private citizens.

Plus I know advertising tends to use hyperbole, but I also heard a radio ad for a gun show that literally asked "Do you need 5,000 guns? We have 5,000 guns." What the fuck? It makes me so mad.

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