Saturday, July 21, 2018


It's been fucking hot as hell lately, in the triple digits, such that it's like I'm living in Phoenix, not DFW. I feel sweaty and uncomfortable all the time, and my office is always too cold, so I'm going back and forth between the extremes. I don't remember a summer so hot before, and we're still only in July, not August.

It's been a horrible week starting with the debacle in Helsinki. Post-outrage, Trump tried to walk back the treason but the intelligence community is still rightfully pissed. If Republicans really thought Trump went too far, they should have voted to secure our elections from more attacks. At least they voted not to hand our ambassador over to Putin. So shame and resistance sometimes works.

Also, Tim Scott got a Trump-nominated judge to withdraw. If only we could get a similar outcome for the Supreme Court.

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