Monday, November 5, 2018

Election Eve

The tension is terrible. I already early voted of course, and I'll be working tomorrow, so I won't even be home to watch the election coverage. (The breakroom TV has been on the fritz for months.) So I'll have to hope that my news alerts on my phone will bring good news. I hope the Blue Wave will be able to overcome numerous voter suppression efforts.

In North Dakota, Native Americans are still fighting to vote. DailyKos raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to get voters new IDs with the required street addresses, but I read that emergency services started changing their addresses in the database, so now it doesn't match exactly. Throwing out hundreds of ballots! They shouldn't have changed any address without informing the people who live there, or mailing them a free ID for the trouble they caused. If that's not voter suppression, what is? Fuck those bastards, and fuck all the screaming about the caravan and ending birthright citizenship. Racist bastards.

Pretty soon they'll try to attack naturalized citizens too, try to round up every non-white race just like the Japanese internment camps and the families still separated at the border. Treating all immigrants like invaders rather than refugees from war-torn countries, or just families seeking a better life like all the white immigrants a century ago. The shooting at the synagogue is part of that fearmongering and hate indoctrination.

Still, there's a strong resistance. Many Native tribes are fired up and banding together to fight the ID fuckery. We might not have better gun laws yet, but the Parkland students do seem to have created a huge surge of youth voters this year, and the NRA has flailed around since they became a pariah. They claimed to be close to bankrupt, so they couldn't fund candidates like they used to. Hopefully we can flip enough of Congress to enact some real legislation and start holding the White House accountable. There's so much to fix.

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