Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Supergirl is really schizophrenic, making James Olsen agree to do propaganda for the Children of Liberty, then afterward regretting destroying his reputation. Why didn't you listen to Lena earlier about denouncing them and not trying to meet up with domestic terrorists? Lena spent the whole episode doing a human trial of the Harun-el, and it was boring as hell. Why do they stick her in such stupid plots, and make a backstory where she thinks she's evil for merely witnessing a death when she was four years old? What the fuck is that? Meanwhile, Manchester Black goes too far with his vigilante justice by betraying Supergirl and then spitefully putting an empathy enhancer on poor J'onn. So petty and selfish with his pain (much like Liam Neeson's character in Widows whining "I couldn't save us, so I had to save me" like he's a victim instead of a monster). I'm tired of Ben Lockwood as the main villain, and I wish we'd move onto some other plot like the Red Daughter Kara.

Anyway, I finally finished watching the She-Ra reboot, which is more entertaining and full of female friendships. Though it was a shame that Light Hope turned out to be almost as bad as the avatar that kept asking for an administrator. Light Hope wanted Adora to let go of all human attachments and just abandon the rebellion to train for years. Rather singleminded focus on balance rather than on moral right and wrong, and we didn't get any explanation of Grayskull in this universe, just a vague reference to generations of She-Ra's that came before.

Also they started out Entrapta as a really eccentric Princess inventor obsessed with robots and First Ones tech. She initially joined the rebellion, but when she accidentally gets left behind during a mission in the Fright Zone, she thinks she was intentionally abandoned and switches sides. Catra and Scorpia ask her to make new weapons for them, and Entrapta never stops to consider the ethics of arming the Horde or using the Black Garnet to suck the life out of the entire planet. I didn't like Entrapta being some weird stereotype of a "geek princess" who's so wrapped up in experiments that she doesn't give a damn about people suffering. Also, because the show is so wrapped up in Shadow Weaver's destructive relationship with Adora and Catra, we hardly see Hordak at all until the end of the season. I hope the balance is better next season and that the Princesses find out that Entrapta is alive.

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