Thursday, November 1, 2018

Such Liars

There's now talk that Arrested Development's remaining episodes won't air until "early 2019" which means that Netflix lied to us when they said they would air in 2018. I just hope that Mitch won't end them on a cliffhanger, because there's no way there will be a season 6. I wouldn't come back for it, if there were. How fucking long do you need to complete the "movie" plot you said you had planned all these damn years? Fucking solve the Austero mystery and Tony Wonder's "death" and stop creating new unresolved questions! You never even answered who sabotaged Gob's wedding illusion. Kill the Rebel Alley plot and move the fuck on!

And boo to A Million Little Things last night for not letting Ashley give the fucking folder to Delilah. I care more about Jon's suicide plot than the damn paternity of the baby. I hate that the promo last week deceived us into thinking that Ashley would finally reveal the truth, but I hate the showrunners more for writing and filming the imaginary scene in the first place just to tease us. Either have the reveal, or don't have the reveal. Don't trick us. And of course we still have no clarification on why Jon killed himself, if life insurance won't pay for a suicide. And if Jon planned out everything so perfectly for every friend, then why the fuck did he fail to pay off an account and endanger the loan for the restaurant? Why did he attach his wife's name to the restaurant and risk ruining her credit too? And apparently he didn't confess this in the folder he left for Delilah, because Ashley had to discover the secret mailbox herself. Sounds like Jon didn't plan everything after all and was a bastard.

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