Tuesday, January 26, 2021

New Things

I've discovered a new fruit. I thought I was buying regular navel oranges recently, but instead I got cara cara oranges; this is apparently a hybrid mutation with pinky red flesh like a grapefruit, but it tastes sweet and juicy, not sour and bitter. Where has this been all my life? I love it.

Meanwhile I bought a small laminator and used it to fix an ID badge I have. Worked great. I'll have to try to use it for other stuff like photos. I tried to buy Lego's latest Chinese New Year sets, but I'm too late yet again; they're all sold out already. They've got to manufacture more and realize how many Asian families around the world want the Lunar New Year stuff, not just Chinese families.

I heard that the Biden administration is going to get Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill now; the Trump Administration had delayed the issue until 2030 to avoid displeasing the bigot. I sure would like to get some Tubman currency this year, even if I won't spend cash that often. Most places want exact change or credit card.

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