Thursday, November 24, 2022

Murderville and More

I saw the Knives Out sequel yesterday, and it was pretty enjoyable. I'd forgotten that Angela Lansbury had a cameo on a Zoom meeting. The Glass Onion is funny and political, and the whodunit throws some red herrings at you. I'll have to watch it again knowing the twist. The tech bro is a narcissist idiot like Elon Musk pretending to be a genius.

Meanwhile I saw that Jason Bateman will guest star in Murderville's Christmas episode, so I'll have to stay on Netflix long enough to see that. Murderville was pretty funny with Arnett's antics, and the first episode involved magicians. The guest stars were fun, and there was also a season-long mystery that wasn't too annoying.

On streaming, I also went back to Peacock's Saved By the Bell reboot, which I only saw the pilot of before. They really did a nice balance between the new teens and the old cast. It's a really good update on the premise. Characters acknowledge that some of Zach Morris's schemes and pranks went too far; as kids we excused too much as "boys will be boys" rebelliousness, but now we've grown up and can see how bad it is. I like that Zach and the other adult characters can reflect on their high school deeds and grow into mature people now. I respect Mark-Paul Gosselar for having a sense of humor and being willing to poke fun at his old persona; he was just a kid when the show made him a star, and he was just acting whatever the writers wrote for him in their fantasy world. But the show continues to be fun with the new cast, as the poorer Douglas students adjust to the bizarre lifestyle of the Bayside students. Too bad it got canceled after two seasons.

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