Thursday, May 7, 2015

Renewed Shows

Well the networks announced a whole bunch of renewals and cancellations all at once. I'm kind of glad they did, instead of keeping us in suspense until the upfronts. I am happy for fans of Agent Carter, but as I said before, there's no way I'm watching season 2 unless I get a guarantee that Peggy is the boss now instead of being put-upon and disrespected in the SSR. She's more than earned S.H.I.E.L.D. already, and Howard was a total dick to only give her a stupid apartment.

I enjoyed both Cristela and Forever, but am not surprised that they were cancelled. What I can't understand is why ABC renewed Galavant. It had terrible ratings, and the finale sucked big time; I will never watch that show again.

I'm happy about the pickups for the new Muppets show and Supergirl. I hope that superhero show will be closer to what I wanted Agent Carter to be. Of the pilots, I'm sad that The Brainy Bunch and Craig Ferguson's show apparently were passed on. There's been no news about Super Clyde so far, and I was hoping it would get through this time. At least most of my other favorite shows were renewed. There may be more news tomorrow or at the very least, next week. I'm glad I got my Tivo working again.

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