Sunday, December 13, 2020

Content is King

Anyway, Disney decided to dump a lot of news on their investor day. They're ordering various Star Wars series, Marvel series, and animated TV shows for Disney+ so they'll be raising their price in March to pay for all this new content. I would be interested in the Lando series, but I don't really care about more obscure Star Wars characters. I guess it's not surprising for Disney to order Moana, Tiana and Zootopia tv shows, because there was a time in the 1990s when Disney had multiple Saturday morning cartoons based on recent hit movies. They always want to make sequels and such to maximize their brands. All their announcements just remind me of what a huge monopoly of intellectual property they have.

Meanwhile Warner Brothers recently announced that all their movies next year will be released on HBO Max and to the movie theaters at the same time. It's a bold, shocking move, and the theaters are all worried about the closing theatrical window. They have to get new content to survive.

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