Saturday, December 26, 2020

Relapsed Carnivore

I tried for a while to be more vegetarian and meat-free lately due my fear that the meat industry was full of COVID, especially the stories about Tyson plants. Plus all the Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger stuff was in fashion, and that just made me realize that I could eat tofu and other soy-based products for a cheap alternative. Like any Asian American, I have lots of experience with tofu from childhood, so I don't avoid it like the plague. (Many white Americans seem to think tofu is terrible, but I'm sure they haven't had it cooked right. Of course it tastes bland when raw. That's the whole point of tofu--to have no flavor until you add your desired flavor to it! Then it'll soak up flavor wonderfully.)

So as I said, I tried going more meatless for a while, but I still felt hungry. And I couldn't often get to the Vietnamese grocery store to buy tofu or other stuff for recipes. But now I read an article (maybe it was on Vox) talking about how the soy industry is terrible for climate too, because farmers feed soy to their animals. So eating soy is no better than eating meat? I give up. I'll still be cautious about meat and boycott the hell out of Tyson, but I guess I'll alternate tofu with meat when I have a craving.

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