Monday, December 21, 2020

Happy Solstice

I tried to see the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction tonight, but either the sky was too cloudy or even suburban lights are too bright to let me see "stars" in my area. I saw the moon and a fixed star up in the sky, but my constellation app said that was too high in the sky to be Jupiter. I guess it must have been Altair. I hope other people had more luck.

I was annoyed, though, that radio DJs kept calling it the "Christmas star" rather than the conjunction. If anything it should be the Solstice star. Winter festivals have always been centered around the solstice, before Christians absorbed the pagan customs for Christmas. Molly of Denali had an episode this year where Trini's birthday coincided with the solstice, so she got to enjoy festival fireworks that night.

Hopefully the year ahead will be better. Biden got his first vaccine shot today, and his administration will takeover Covid vaccine distribution in January. Also, due to legal threats, Fox News this weekend had to air fact-check videos to debunk all their election conspiracy mongering.

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