Sunday, December 13, 2020

Oh great

After the Supreme Court rejected the Paxton lawsuit, the Texas GOP suggested forming their own country with the other states that supported them. In other words, secession. That's obviously idiotic, but it prompted liberals on Daily Kos to say good riddance and write a parody diary about Joe Biden cutting Texas loose from all federal rights and privileges.

You fuckers! It wasn't ALL of Texas who wanted to secede. It wasn't ALL of Texas who sued to overturn the election. It was Paxton and the GOP. There are still plenty of Democrats in Texas who don't want to secede, and you talk about gleefully abandoning us to hell! Just this year Democrats were talking about turning Texas blue, like they would welcome us with open arms; we didn't succeed yet, but we are purple despite the gerrymandering. It's clear that the open arms are insincere, contingent on our delivering 38 electoral votes.

Stop shitting on Texas if you want to change things here. There's plenty of GOP dicks in your blue states that you can't get rid of either, like Susan Collins in Maine. So don't lecture us about Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert when you've got treasonous traitors in your midst. Hypocritical bastards. This is why I don't join Daily Kos.

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